Yes, this game allows you to learn about the traffic rules and regulations to keep itself safe and sound.
The Dr. Driving APK game was developed by SUD Inc. on 19 June 2013.
Yes it is 100% safe from all malware and bugs, so you Can download it without any hesitancy.
A minimum of 11MB space should be available in your device.
Yes, Dr. Driving mod APK is free to play.
Yes, you can run it on your PC, if your system fulfills the minimum requirements of Mod APK game eg: at least 2 GB RAM and 5GB free hard disk.
Yes, logging in to your Google account to Emulators is necessary if you want to access the MOD version of APK on your PC.
You can install this game on your PC with the help of Android emulators.
Yes, various mission and tasks are available for iOS like fuel mission, parking, Escort mission and so on.
Yes, if your devices are compatible and fulfill the basic requirements like 2GB RAM , 5GB space etc.
Yes, Dr. Driving Mod APK is cent% free to download for iOS.